
Our Topics


Research & Advocacy on climate change related topics in Afghanistan through drafting of fact-based reports, policy briefs, academic articles, roundables and seminars.
Policy Advice to governmental and non-governmental institutions, through publication of reports and organizing of conferences, seminars and workshops.
Provide a platform to young reserchers & scholars from Afghanistan to introduce their ideas and solutions through academic papers and presentations.

Climate Change Education for ALL

Promote climate change education for ALL in compliance with SDGs through publications and awareness campaigns, with focus on school and higher eduction institutions.
Support of educational institutions in obtaining capacity building measures and financial means from regional and international organizations.
Provide climate change education to farmers in rural communities in Afghanistan.

Regional Climate Change Diplomacy

Promote regional cooperation in climate change through publications, conferences, seminars, workshops and networking.
Facilitate joint research between regional climate change institutions and organizations.
Promote eductional exchange programs between schools and universities and other organization engaged in climate change related aspects.


Conduct evidence-based social media campaigns on current climate change issues and suggest required measures and provide solutions for change in line with SDGs & A-NDCs.
Engage and advocate for technical and financial support to Afghanistan in regional and international forums and conferences on climate change to reach the sustainable development targets in key areas.
Faciliate & build bridges for cooperation between Afghan and foreign research institutions & the private sector engaged in climate change related research & development.